Wednesday 8 August 2012

Morning Diversion

I was pleasantly distracted this morning as I opened the gate to go to work - a delicate gossamer threaded web (strung between the bare winter branches of the Pin oaks) caught my eye in the morning fog.  It's nice on occasion to be reminded of the pleasure of stopping to notice the small things and the beauty and delicacy of the natural world - suffice it to say I had a lovely drive to work!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Early Spring

Spring has sprung early at Violet Hill Farm with one of my new hens going clucky and successfully hatching (a week ago) the first ever 'home grown' Violet Hill Farm chickens.  I could spend hours watching her demonstrate the art of grass pecking and scratching to her fluffy wee children.  I'm hooked now and have set up a special nursery area so we can have the ongoing delight of baby chickens running around the orchard.

Such an amazing process - the tiny life squeezed into an oval capsule and finally breaking out...